You have just stumbled upon the Anime Sacred Realm REVIVAL - an anime appreciation and design resource conglomerate. Here you will eventually find layouts, graphics, goodies and more themed after your favorite series within the Japanese animation genre. This website is a revival of an old Geocities website and is currently undergoing major reconstruction. Please bare with us as we build this space up and fill it with a massive collection of beautiful design work and freebies. To learn more about what we are about and where we are going, click here.

News & Updates
This is ASR's first post- W00T! I was feeling extremely nostalgic the other day and thinking about the days when Geocities was
still a thing when I stumbled across Oocities.org. This website aims to fully archive every single old Geocities site in order
to perserve the horrible awesomeness that were Yahoo! Pagebuilder sites. I decided to poke around and try and remember some of
my old screen names. I flashed back to when I first opened the Anime Sacred Realm and though "Man, I miss coding pretty
anime-themed sites just for the fun of it." So for the sake of maintaining my love for web development without constantly being
overwhelmed by what the "client" wants- I have decided to revive the Anime Sacred Realm as a design resource and hobby website.
We are still very much in the beginning stages but I'm hoping to populate everything with at least some basic content to start,
then move on to programming more features all from scratch! I'm wanting to use this website as an opportunity to develop more
programming skills as well instead of constantly relying on CMS platforms such as Wordpress. Knowledge is power after all.
Anyways, thank you for stopping by! Below is a tentative list of features I'm hoping to implement into the site, I will cross
them off as a go. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Features
- Raw Templates
- Wordpress Templates
- Tumblr Templates
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Screensavers
- Sprites
- Avatars/Icons
- Dividers
- PNG Images
- Series Reviews
- Series Plot Info
- Character Profiles
- Image Galleries
- Animated Gifs
- Fan Art Submission
- Fan Art Galleries
- Midi Music
- Resource List
- Contact Forms
- User Login
- Private Messaging
- Shoutbox
- Discussion Forum
- User Submission
- User Comments
- Blogging Feature
- Guestbook